The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) Education at a Glance report found Australia spends over double the average on private schools, and that although teacher pay is higher than other OECD countries, educators work about 100 hours more ...
More »“A lot of catastrophising:” Standardised tests don’t show decline
A University of New England researcher has collated 25 years' worth of Australian students' test results and found there has been no significant decline in three out of the four major tests students take. Since the year 2000, when Australia ...
More »Jason Clare visits US for global education talks
Federal education minister Jason Clare has flown to the United States to meet with global education leaders at the 2023 International Summit on the Teaching Profession. The summit, which kicked off today, will see Clare meet with his ministerial counterparts from ...
More »Education experts react to OECD report
Listening to teachers, making time for their professional development, incentives and system changes will be needed to address workloads, educators' attrition rates and the lack of respect for the profession, experts said. Following the release of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation ...
More »Survey highlights literacy ‘epidemic’ in Australia
A large number of Australian adults are struggling with basic literacy skills, new research has revealed, with most agreeing that technology could have helped them overcome reading and writing difficulties while at school. Global technology education company Texthelp commissioned a ...
More »Australian teenagers are ‘highly respectful’ of other cultures, but there’s ‘room for improvement’: ACER report
A recent report released by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) has concluded that Australian teenagers’ respect for people from other cultures is higher than the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average. The nationally representative survey of ...
More »Gender gap in student engagement in global and multicultural issues: report
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) says schools and education systems are failing to give boys and girls across the world the same opportunities to learn and apply their knowledge of global and multicultural issues. This was determined ...
More »Latest OECD report highlights equity flaws in Australia’s education funding policies
The Australian Education Union (AEU) has responded to the latest Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) report on worldwide education indicators, saying Australia’s poor ranking in several areas reflects inadequate government funding policies. These indicators include resource equity, staffing, and ...
More »Australia ‘below OECD average’ in public education funding as inequity gap widens
The latest Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report highlights that Australia’s public spending on education is shrouded by private investment and is below the OECD average. Dr Emma Rowe, an expert in school funding and education policy at ...
More »What’s going wrong? PISA results continue to slide in maths, science and reading
It was not expected that Australia’s results in the 2018 Programme for International Student Achievement (PISA) would be outstanding, but the fact that our students continue to slide down the ladder has sparked concerns from educators, politicians and industry groups. ...
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