High Schoolers who vape are more likely to miss out on classes, delay their learning and become more aggressive, creating heavier workloads for teachers, a new study has confirmed. Researchers from Griffith University spoke with staff and students from nearly ...
More »The internet of school things
How technology will connect educators and students, and usher in a new age of smart schools. Schools are becoming increasingly technology rich. Many provide connected devices for students or have programs that enable students to bring their own devices (BYOD). ...
More »Measuring success: How can we help our teachers help themselves?
The Teaching Teams trial promises teacher education students and their supervisors a new approach to self-reflection and assessment. With the current push for new teachers who are ‘classroom ready’, it’s no wonder our teacher education students, teachers and schools are ...
More »The joy of making a difference
A love of teaching and a commitment to leadership and professional learning have helped Scone Grammar’s head of primary inspire others to great success. Graeme Feeney’s career as an educator has taken him from the Blue Mountains in NSW, across ...
More »Billion dollar babies: the cost of not finishing school
The following does not contain typos: disengaged 24-year-olds cost taxpayers $69 billion over a lifetime. This is one of the major findings of the Mitchell Institute’s new report, Counting the costs of lost opportunity in Australian education. The Institute, based ...
More »Islamic school gets the final funding chop
It seems all their non-legal avenues are exhausted. Adelaide-based Islamic College of South Australia will not receive further funding, an internal review of a government decision has confirmed. Education minister Simon Birmingham said the internal review's decision, which upheld that ...
More »USYD alumni seek to inspire, inform girls’ post-school choices
You probably wouldn't follow your careers advisor on Snapchat, but you might friend ENID Network. Sydney University graduates Nina Khoury (commerce and law) and Adriana Stefanatos (commerce) created the network: an all-female careers advice and networking platform for high school and university students. Instead of content-heavy formats or one-on-one interviews, ...
More »Move to make indigenous children ‘resilient’
A “strengths-based approach” to school readiness is needed to recognise the knowledge and understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have before they engage in formal learning. The latest report from the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) reviewed the ...
More »Happy Kids, Happy Future
A new study has found that at-risk children are more likely to successfully transition to secondary school if they take part in support programs during upper primary. The project, entitled Happy Kids, was conducted by Edith Cowan University researcher Professor ...
More »NAPLAN might move online
Students will sit national exams online for the first time next year, with education ministers pushing for an investigation to assess the feasibility of bringing NAPALAN online as well. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) assessment and reporting manager ...
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