Young people often turn to social media to talk about suicide-related thoughts and behaviours but have had limited access to guidance on how to do so safely. Now, they – along with teachers and parents – have access to a set of guidelines focused ...
More »Technology in education: a forecast for 2018
Digital transformation and the rise of millennials are dominating headlines in the Asia Pacific region (APAC). Rapid advancements in technology are drastically improving the way we do things. As millennials come of age, modern students will be adept with technology, ...
More »NAPLAN might move online
Students will sit national exams online for the first time next year, with education ministers pushing for an investigation to assess the feasibility of bringing NAPALAN online as well. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) assessment and reporting manager ...
More »Prepare for brave new (skilled) world
Australian educators must groom students for a future that will demand a high level of digital and global social skills, the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) annual conference was told. A major shift in education is needed to prepare ...
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