Despite what we constantly hear about tests like PISA and NAPLAN, a national invention competition suggests Australian kids can still think creatively and solve pressing world problems. Recently, national finalists gathered at Taronga Zoo in Sydney to present their inventions ...
More »Australian teachers call for more special needs, ICT training: TALIS
Australian teachers aren’t getting access to the professional development they need to tackle advanced ICT, teaching in multicultural settings and educating students with special needs. That was one of the takeaways of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development’s (OECD) ...
More »EduTECH 2019: The computer that ignited a passion
Ever since a sole, rudimentary computer was rolled into Nicole Barnes’s classroom at the beginning of her career, she was captivated by the possibilities it held for her classroom practice. We’ve come a long way since then, but Nicole’s passion ...
More »Girls better than boys at ICT, but possibly less interested in it
Remember the infamous 'Google memo'? In July 2017, Google engineer James Damore circulated an email to his colleagues, critiquing the company's diversity policy vis-à-vis hiring more women. "I value diversity and inclusion, am not denying that sexism exists, and don’t ...
More »Teaching the appy generation
Information and communication technology must move beyond just literacy and skills in the discipline.
More »Digital literacy on the way up
More Australian students are achieving ICT proficiency than in 2005, the latest digital literacy tests reveal.
More »ICT research comes of age
The use of information and communication technology (ICT) in schools, training colleges and universities has slowly increased in Australia since 1995, although the take up remains patchy.
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