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QELi to partner with global thought leaders in upcoming QELi Wellbeing Summit

QELi is excited to announce the dates for their upcoming QELi Wellbeing Summit, Creating Resilient Cultures as part of their 2020 program. Partnering with internationally renowned thought leaders Joanne McEachen, Vishal Talreja, Louka Parry, Judy Atkinson, and Marc Brackett - who will be joining the summit via live-stream, the two-day summit will run on Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 March at Brisbane’s iconic Howard Smith Wharves.

The summit will act as a call to action aiming to unfold the themes of wellbeing, belonging and contribution. It will focus on developing emotional intelligence within our organisations, and encourage collaborative conversations to ensure young people are future-focused, globally-engaged and equipped with the skills to succeed in, and contribute to, this ever-changing world.

QELi Chief Executive Officer, Neil McDonald, said QELi is extremely excited to be bringing some of the world’s most prominent minds in the fields of emotional intelligence and wellbeing to Brisbane to help education sectors and corporate industries understand new insights into how we can best nurture our youth for success.

“QELi is thrilled to have such a high calibre of leaders join us next month, delving deep into leadership through wellbeing. Our participants will have the chance to hear from five of the best minds in this field, who are all working towards a future where our young people feel confident to succeed in the workforce and secure enough to contribute within their communities,” said Mr McDonald.

CEO and Founder of The Learner First, Executive Committee for Karanga, Joanne McEachen, said the QELi Wellbeing Summit is an opportunity for educators and industry leaders to come together to connect, encourage, challenge and share their experiences within their communities.

“I cannot wait for this summit. Creating Resilient Cultures will bring global ideas to local communities and help create a call to action within these sectors to ensure that the purpose of learning is understanding who we are, how we fit into the world and how we can then contribute to humanity,” said Ms McEachen.

Vishal Talreja, the Co-founder of Dream a Dream, an initiative that helps to transform the lives of vulnerable children to help them integrate into mainstream society, believes the shift needs to begin with our current education systems.

“Young people today are growing up in highly complex, uncertain and vulnerable environments and it’s time we redefine the purpose of education and the role we as educators, school leaders, systems and governments need to play to help young people thrive in the new world,” said Mr Talreja.

“I think the good thing now is that the last 15 years was really about trying to convince people about why life skills and social-emotional learning was important, but know that conversation is done. Globally it is done and in India where I am from it is done. Everyone recognises that every child needs to have life skills and socio-emotional competencies. So now the question is really about what we need to do and how do we need to do it?” he said.

Louka Parry, award-winning educator, facilitator, and speaker believes that leaders are truly doing their job when they are creating cultures that enable others to do their best work.

“Culture still eats strategy for breakfast, yet we need to focus on how we might actually create thriving cultures in organisations, communities, and classrooms with wellbeing the ultimate goal,” said Mr Parry

“I’m excited to be a keynote speaker at the QELi Wellbeing Summit in March and share some of the emerging practical strategies for creating thriving cultures from across the world,” he said.

Participants will also have the opportunity to take part in workshops facilitated by Ben Palmer of GENOS, Simon Cook of Springfox and Julie Bower from Emotional Health in Schools, as well as hear from industry and education experts in panel discussions across the two days.

Learn more and register here.

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