High school teachers and teachers-in-training can now use their qualifications at TAFE in a "commonsense" move to ease the shortage of VET educators. Those with a secondary school teacher qualification will be excused from having to obtain a full Certificate ...
More »New Outside School Hours Care TAFE course
A new South Australian outside school hours care (OSHC) TAFE course should lead to carers getting paid more – but it won’t be compulsory for OSHC workers to do it. The Certificate III in Outside School Hours Care is set to be offered from ...
More »TAFE not just a ‘fallback’ for students, study confirms
Students are deciding to study at TAFE rather than university for its merits – not as a "fallback". That was one of the findings to come from Monash University's Vocational Institutions, Undergraduate Degrees, Distinction or Inequality interim report. Among the reasons ...
More »Professor urges schools to ditch VET/uni dichotomy
A Murdoch University professor has criticised schools for encouraging students to choose between a VET or university pathway. Barry Down, a VET and student engagement specialist, says this dichotomy has become unrealistic. "The reality is that society requires smart workers and citizens with ...
More »School’s out for ever? PISA shows decline in uni expectations
School's out for summer School's out forever For an increasing number of Australian high schoolers, Alice Cooper's lyrics resonate. They especially do so with 15-year-olds from lower SES backgrounds, according to a new ACER report. Based on PISA data, the report collated ...
More »Cuts to Victorian TAFE slammed
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says the Victorian government is walking away from investment in education with cutbacks to the state's TAFE sector. Gillard was addressing a public forum at a community cabinet meeting in Berwick, in the Victorian marginal seat of La Trobe. Gillard ...
More »Industry, TAFE back COAG skills agreement
Industry bodies and TAFE have praised the results of last week’s Council of Australian Governments meeting, saying it is a good step towards solving the country’s skills shortage. “[The meeting] reached an important agreement that ramps up the effort in ...
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