Data released in the Productivity Report on Government Services revealed school drop-out rates have hit a 10-year high, with just over half of school students leaving to undertake further study or full time work. One in five school students also ...
More »Govt ups private school funding, SA students skip school, PC report finds
The Productivity Commission's (PC) education report found government funding for private schools has increased twice as much as public schools between 2012 and 2022. Public school funding increased 20.3 per cent in real terms while private schools saw a 37 ...
More »Australia’s school results ‘flatlining’: report
Australian students' academic results have "stagnated" over the past decade despite a billion-dollar injection of additional funding into schools, according to the Productivity Commission. The Commission's latest interim report, published last week, found nearly one in ten Year 9 students ...
More »Union wants school funding considered in Productivity Commission interim report
Improving teachers' workload, student well-being and equity are key elements to boost student outcomes, a government report found, yet unions are urging for the inclusion of school funding in the review. An interim Productivity Commission report on the National School ...
More »Sharp rise in childcare incidents as year 12 completion drops: Productivity Commission report
Australia's childcare sector has recorded a spike in serious incidents over the past year, as year 12 completion rates fall to record lows, according to a recent Productivity Commission report. In 2020-21, there was a total of 20,599 serious incidents ...
More »Pay maths, science teachers more: inquiry
Teachers who take jobs in subjects or schools that are hard to staff should be paid more, the Productivity Commission has recommended. There also should be a clear performance-based career progression to reward quality teachers. In its report on Australia's schools workforce, released ...
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