Reflective practice has been adopted by teachers for many years to ensure that they are meeting the needs of students. It helps teachers understand their personal areas of development and addresses underlying beliefs and assumptions about learning and teaching in ...
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Two Aussies make it to the finals of the 2021 Global Teacher Prize
Two Australian teachers have made the top 50 shortlist for the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize 2021, a competition that received more than 8,000 nominations and applications this year from 121 countries. Rebecca West, deputy principal at Bonnyrigg Public School, ...
More »Paid, online teacher training program aims to stem looming national teacher shortage
Christian Education Ministries (CEM) has formed a new partnership with Alphacrucis College in Sydney to provide the next generation of teachers with paid on-the-job training. The new program, which will begin in January next year, will enable eligible candidates to ...
More »Qualified teachers are vital to the quality of VET and Technologies education in schools – so where are they? opinion
In late 2020, the only undergraduate Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program in Australia purposefully designed to recruit and upskill industry-experienced tradespeople and technologies experts to become Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Product Design and Technologies secondary school teachers closed ...
More »Some big winners in NSW $337 million ‘tutoring in schools’ program
Four school tutoring providers have been selected by the NSW government to roll out a $337 million “tutoring in schools” program across the state to target high-priority schools. The Tutoring in High-Priority Schools program is expected to commence in Term ...
More »New farm program aims to inspire young people to take up a career in agriculture
This year Velisha Farms, a Weribee horticulture business, has started up a program for local primary school students to learn the “tricks of the agriculture trade”. The program is described as “hands-on” and covers the full gamut of the agricultural ...
More »School staff wellbeing: key things to consider for 2021
“Wellbeing, mental health, and psychological safety are the core pre-conditions of learning, performance, healthy functioning, and contributing.” This sentence is as true for adults as it is for children. The more we define these terms the more we build a national ...
More »Report highlights the link between wellbeing and performance, and how to address it
A new report on the importance of student wellbeing argues that a student’s social and emotional intelligence is closely tied to their academic outcomes. However, the report, which is based on 27 book chapters, journal articles, reports and surveys, makes ...
More »What school principals can learn from CEOs: Podcast
EducationReview · What principals can learn from CEOs: Podcast School principals are often characterised by their leadership abilities, educational excellence and ability to meet government requirements through reporting of a range of data. But, according to Eduinfluencers founder and managing ...
More »The challenges of being a school principal during COVID-19: Part 1
EducationReview · Being a school principal during COVID-19 - Podcast They are the leaders of the school – the individuals who are ultimately responsible for the wellbeing of everyone in their school communities. And while the majority of school principals ...
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