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Vox pop: Should students participate in climate strikes on school days?

Education Review took to the streets of Sydney on the day of the Climate Strike 4 Action to ask people what they thought of students taking time off to attend the strike. Most of those interviewed supported striking during school hours. Comments included "one day off school wasn't going to kill anyone" and that Australia's economy was still too far "embedded in big coal".

One senior student made an incisive remark, pointing out that it was ironic that young people are often accused of being disengaged from political discourse but criticised when they take part in it. Only one of the interviewees thought striking during school hours was unacceptable, saying that children under 18 were too young to "demand change".

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One comment

  1. Well done Wade, it’s good to see that most people agree. One day off school is nothing if compared to a future world with no schools, no students, nothing at all. A recent survey shows that 80% of Australians regard climate change as the number one national issue. It’s time to act and to act fast, putting pressure on those who should take notice and yet don’t.

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